Viberect: FDA Approved Vibrator for ED Treatment

In a previous article, Vibrators for Men: Can They Help Treat the Symptoms of ED?, I stated that I believe that vibrators are overlooked and undervalued as an option for treating the symptoms of ED.

Viberect is a revolutionary FDA approved male vibrator that has the science to back its claims. A 2014 study from the Male Fertility Research Program of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis studied the Viberect® to induce erection and ejaculation in young spinal cord injury males. Its success was phenomenal at 77%, with no adverse side effects.

Viberect® use for erectile rehabilitation in men following radical prostatectomy has also been studied, again, with positive results.

What about men with “simple” ED—that is, no spinal cord injury or radical pelvic surgery? It turns out that the studies have been done, once again with positive results. Is it better than less expensive penis vibrators sold in sex shops? That is a matter of personal trial and error.

So how does the Viberect® work?

VIberect Picture - Viberect: FDA Approved Vibrator for ED Treatment - Xs and Os

It is pretty simple—the device has two soft pads that are applied to the penis to create vibratory simulations. The stimulation “turns on” the pudendal nerve receptors on both sides of the penis that communicate with the parts of the brain and spinal cord responsible for erection, rigidity, ejaculation, and orgasm.

When used in a relaxed setting, Viberect® initiates erection within the first 1-2 minutes, then helps contract the pelvic muscles for 3-4 minutes to keep the erection longer and firmer.

The manual tactile action used to produce an erection is magnified to a level not easily achieved manually. The device can be used for solo or partnered sex, as part of foreplay or preparatory to intercourse.

Viberect® Advantages:

  • No requirement of injection or pills
  • Effective erectile rehabilitation following prostate cancer surgery
  • Safe for treatment of ED from any cause: aging, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease

Who should use Viberect®?

There are many factors affecting ED not related to spinal cord injury or prostatectomy recovery. Everyone reacts differently. If medication is working for you I see no reason to change. If you are currently using a vibrator that works well for you, I see no need to change. If the medication is not working as well as you like, you might add a vibrator. If you would like to try something different in the vibrator department, FDA-approved Viberect® can be added to the choices referred to in our Vibrators for Men article. If you are rehabilitating from prostate cancer surgery, the FDA-approved Viberect® is well documented in its effectiveness.

If you have questions about the Viberect®, vibrators, ED, or other sexual health issues, don’t hesitate to Ask the Expert.

As per our Terms of Use, this article is for general educational and informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding the use of any information received here before using or relying on it. Your physician or health care practitioner should address any and all medical questions, concerns, and decisions regarding the possible treatment of any medical condition.


Castle SM, Jenkins LC, Ibrahim E, Aballa TC, Lynne CM, Brackett N, Safety and efficacy of a new device for inducing ejaculation in men with spinal cord injuries, Spinal Cord, 52, S27-S29, 2014

Chun SS Fenemore J, Heaton JP, Johnston B, Morales A, Enhancement of erectile responses to vasoactive drugs by a variable amplitude oscillation device, Int J Impot Res, Dec 1996, 8(4):221-5

Reece M, Herbenick D, Sanders SA, Dodge B, Ghassemi A, Fornteberry JD, Prevalence and characteristics of vibrator use by men in the United States, J Sex Med, 2009 Jul;6(7):1867-74.

Segal, Robert L MD, Tajkarimi, Kambiz MD, Burnett, Arthru L MD, Viberect penile vibratory stimulation system: evaluation of its erectogenic efficacy, The Canadian Journal of Urology;20(4);August 2013

Sikka, Suresh, Tajkarimi, Kambiz, Kadhum, Khulood, Mandava, Sree, Trost, Landon, Burnett, Arthur, Hellstrom, Wayne, An objective evaluation of viberect device in comparison to intracavernosal vasoactive injection for penile duplex doppler ultrasound blood flow analysis, abstract International Congress of Andrology, Melbourne, Australia, Feb 23-26, 2013

Tajkarimi K, Burnett AL, The role of genital nerve afferents in the physiology of the sexual response and pelvic floor function, J Sex Med, 2011 May;8(5):1299-312 Johns Hopkins University Preliminary study, Objective assessment of the efficacy of the viberect device to provoke penile erection in men with no ED